Message from the President and CEO
In this website you will see a mirror of our company, allow
me to welcome you while reading the pages which we hope you
will find informative, sensible and very interesting.
CS Garment, Inc. was established in 1990 with its conviction
that trusts relationship and mutual cooperation between its
stakeholders will yield prosperity.
Through the years, the company has witnessed local and international
garment firms rise and fade but still, it has continually
searched for and invested in ways to strengthen company’s
position in the global garment industry thru people motivation
and loyalty, product excellence, customer trusts, networking
GO’s and NGO’s and corporate social responsibility
Quality, the CS Garment way, has given distinction and substance
to the company reputation. The collaborative efforts of the
stakeholders has helped intensify our goals to adhere to
excellence and provide better and socially acceptable products
to the end- consumers.
As a matter of value creation, we are also generating a
sense of citizenship
among our employees by communicating the company programs
and initiatives. C S Garment, Inc. adoption of CSR principles
into its policies and programs has resulted in tangible benefits
for the employees - community - company . The detailed CSR
can be viewed at our United Nations Global Compact - Communication
on Progress ( COP ) report which we have published in this
website. This showcases the company’s best practices aligned
with the universal principles of the UN Global Compact.
Despite its successes and leadership, CS Garment, Inc. needs
to be at the cutting edge, for the future holds many more daunting